Dr. Antonios Antoniou
PhD in Astrophysics
University of Peloponnes
Department Of Informatics & Telecommunications
Applied Mathematics in the Physics science Astrophysical
Spectroscopy Team of National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens (AsTA)
Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics Faculty of Physics
Home of Knowledge and Science in Chalkida
Short Curriculum Vitae (December 2021)
Antonis Antoniou was born in Kimi. Until the first grade of Lyceum, he attended the Gymnasium and Lyceum of Kymi and graduated from the Lyceum of Filothei in Athens, where he attended the last two classes.
He studied Mathematics at the Mathematics Department of the University of Athens. He has done postgraduate studies (Master) in Mathematics and Astrophysics in Germany and at the University of Athens. He then prepared his Doctoral Thesis which he presented at the Department of Physics of the University of Athens and which was judged with excellent marks.
It belongs to the Astronomical Spectroscopy Research Group of the Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy, Engineering of the University of Athens. His mandated scientific and research objects are the spectroscopic study of hot emitting stars, stellar atmospheres and active galactic nuclei in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum via satellite data.
From the academic year 2021-22 he belongs to the Research Teaching Staff of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Peloponnese in the direction of Applied Mathematics and Natural Sciences, a department in which he had previously taught Applied Mathematics.
At the same time he performs the duties of the scientific director of the Knowledge Center of Chalkida
More than 90 of his scientific papers (December 2020) have been published in international scientific journals with a high “impact factor” as well as in the proceedings of international conferences with judges.
He has been a three-time guest speaker at international Astrophysics conferences abroad.
He has given more than 300 lectures as a guest speaker at Universities, Schools, Scientific Associations and Associations at workshops of scientific and wider cultural content. He has also done a series of shows and interviews on radio and television stations. He is a member of many scientific associations in Greece and abroad.
Home address:
4 Ageletou Str. GR- 34100 Chalkida, tel. +30 22210 82185
Work address:
1) National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens, Department of Physics, Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, GR-15784 Zografos (Athens), Greece. Phone: +30 21 07276792.
2) “Home of Knowledge and Science” in Calkida, 1 Karaoli, Dimitriou and Tziardini Str. (Red House) GR-34100 Chalkida. Phone: +30 22210 77599.
e-mail: ananton@phys.uoa.gr , antonios.antoniou@live.com
webpage : http://antonios-antoniou.gr
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