Detailed biography

CV photo

Dr. Antonios Antoniou

PhD in Astrophysics

University of Peloponnese
Department Of Informatics & Telecommunications
Applied Mathematics in the Physics science

Astrophysical Spectroscopy Team of National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens (AsTA)
Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics
Faculty of Physics

Home of Knowledge and Science in Chalkida




Curriculum Vitae (December 2013)

Birth place:
Kimi, Island Evia, Greece

Under- graduated studies:
University of Athens, Mathematics Department.

Post -graduated studies:

  1. Certificate in Computer Programming, University of Hagen, Germany (1994)
  2. Master in Education and Methodology of the Mathematics, University of Athens, Faculty of Mathematics (1999)
  3. Msc. Astrophysics, University of Athens, Faculty of Physics, Department of Astrophysics –Astronomy – Mechanics (2003).
  4. PhD in Astrophysics, University of Athens, Faculty of Physics, Department of Astrophysics –Astronomy – Mechanics (2007)

PhD Title:

“Hyper-ionization phenomena in the coronal and post- coronal regions in the Oe stellar envelopes” (abstract)

Read the abstract of the doctoral dissertation.

* Click on the image below to read / download the entire content of PhD.

PhD cover photo

Supervisor: Prof. Emmanuel Danezis

Foreign Languages:
German, English

Member of:

  • Hellenic Union of Mathematics
  • Hellenic Astronomical Society (HelAS)
  • German Union of Mathematics
  • Hellenic Union of Physicists


  • Satellite stellar spectroscopy of early type stars in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Complex atmospherical structures in the environment of hot emission stars

Invited Lectures

  1. Antoniou, E. Danezis, D. Stathopoulos, E. Lyratzi, Dr. Dimitrios and D. Tzimeas A new method for the calculation of Column Densities using GR model. An application in the case of C IV, N IV and N V Spectral Lines in the UV spectrum of the O-Star HD 149757 (zeta Oph)”, 3th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics (13th SCSLSA), Belgrade, Serbia, August 23 – 27, 2021
  2. Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popovic, L. C, Dimitrijevic, M. S. “Kinematical parameters in the coronal and post-coronal regions of the Oe stars”, 2008, 24th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2008), Νόβισαντ, Σερβία.
  3. Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popovic, L. C, Dimitrijevic, M. S. “A new modelling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars” 2008, 2nd International Summer School on Stellar Atmospheres Βελιγράδι, Σερβία.

Publications in Scientific Journals (Journal Articles)

33 publications in scientific journals (Journal Articles) according to: Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) (see “Publications in Scientific Journals”)

Publications in International Conferences’ Proceedings with referees (Conferences)

19 publications in conferences’ proceedings according to: Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) (see “Publications in Conferences’ Proceedings”)

Other Publications in International Conferences’ Proceedings

16 publications in international conferences proceedings (see “Other Publications in International Conferences’ Proceedings”)

Lectures -Contributions in other conferences with referees

6 lectures and contribution in PanHellenic Conferences with referees. (see   “Lectures – Contributions in other conferences with referees”)

Lectures in open public

Invited speaker in more than 100 (December 2013) open meetings (see “Lectures”).

Many publications in the daily and periodical press (see “Publications in daily and periodical press”).

About 40 series and interviews on radio and TV (see “Radio broadcasts”).

Current positions:

  1. University of Athens, Department of Physics, Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics (researcher position)
  2. Scientific Director in  “Home of Knowledge and Science” of Chalkida


  • Applied Mathematics, University of Peloponnisos, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Telecommunications Science and Technology (PD 407/80) (winter semester 2010-11 until today).
  • Star Spectroscopy in post graduate students in the University of Athens, Department of Physics, Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics (2004 until today).
  • Astronomy and Mathematics through interactive objects and situations in the Home of Knowledge and Science of Chalkida (2007 until today).
  • Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics in Lyceum (1985-2004).

Home address
4 Ageletou Str. GR- 34100 Chalkida, tel. +30 22210 82185

Work address:

1) University of the Peloponnese

Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
Faculty of Economics and Technology
Akadimaikou G. K. Vlachou Street, Office: B0.8 (ground floor / upper building), Tel: +30 2710 230176, PC: 22100, Tripoli, Greece.

2) Home of Knowledge and Sience of Calkida

1 Karaoli, Dimitriou and Tziardini Str. (Red House), Tel: +30 22210 77599, PC: 34100 Chalkida, Greece.

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