- “Teacher Education Academy of Dresden”, Dresden Germany, June 1995, Εισηγητής (under the auspices of the Council of Europe), “Could be taught Mathematics in other way?
- 14th Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, Mitilini Greece, November 1997, “Problem Solving Models”
- Participant in the 16th Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, Larissa Greece, November 1999.
- 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Greek Armature Astronomy, “Tides and the Euripus Phenomenon”.
- Participant in the 21th Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society Trikala Greece, November 2004.
- 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, Lamia Greece, November 2005, “Can we measure velocities higher than the speed light in radio- galaxies?”
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