Lectures – Contributions in other Conferences with Referees

  1. “Teacher Education Academy of Dresden”, Dresden Germany, June 1995, Εισηγητής (under the auspices of the Council of Europe), “Could be taught Mathematics in other way?
  2. 14th Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, Mitilini Greece, November 1997, “Problem Solving Models”
  3. Participant in the 16th Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, Larissa Greece, November 1999.
  4. 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Greek Armature Astronomy, “Tides and the Euripus Phenomenon”.
  5. Participant in the 21th Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society Trikala Greece, November 2004.
  6. 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, Lamia Greece, November 2005, “Can we measure velocities higher than the speed light in radio- galaxies?”

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